May 2010

ETFs to Watch – May’s Hottest ETFs

May 31, 2010

After one of the most tumultuous months in stocks investors have seen since the financial collapse, it’s instructive to take a look back and see which ETFs fared well through the flash crash, an imploding EU, an environmental disaster in the gulf unfolding before our eyes and a possible war brewing in the Koreas.  For […]

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Pairs Trade in Gold Funds Works Out Beatifully – Sprott PHYS vs. GLD

May 26, 2010

Today, the Sprott Physical Gold Trust (PHYS) completed a follow-on offering of trust units at $11.25 per unit.  This was performed in order to acquire physical gold bullion in accordance with the Trust’s objective and subject to the Trust’s investment and operating restrictions.  In other words, the big selling point of this closed-end fund is […]

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Deflation Investments to Consider with Inflation Fears Out the Window

May 18, 2010

Deflation Investments are getting a lot of press this week.  Many experts are now shifting their sites from fears over inflation to a deflationary environment.  While the rampant printing of money and devaluation of currencies had been front and center since the financial crisis, there are now indications that we may be entering a period […]

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Pairs Trade to Exploit NAV Premium in Physical Gold Fund vs. GLD

May 10, 2010

There’s an intriguing anomaly forming between two gold exchange traded products that should, in concept track virtually simultaneously with the spot price of gold bullion save for minor fluctuations in NAV and management fee differences.  While (GLD) is most familiar to many retail investors looking to mimic changes in the price of gold bullion, there […]

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See the 6 ETFs that Rallied during Thursday’s Selloff

May 6, 2010

With global indices tanking on the notion that there’s no stopping further implosion in Europe regardless of the austerity measures approved by Greece on Thursday, investor panic set in and an alleged fat finger trader mistake on a single Proctor & Gamble (PG) trade sent the US majors down 10% instantaneously.  While markets recovered to […]

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How to Trade ETFs for FREE: 79 and Counting

May 6, 2010

Evidently, there’s a race to the bottom in trading commissions seeing as how there are new discount brokers popping up with various free/low-fee commissions and now, multiple large names are offering trading on ETFs they manage or have relationships with absolutely free.  Given that ETFs are Better Than Mutual Funds in virtually all aspects and […]

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How Various Gold ETFs Stack up Against the Price of Gold Itself

May 5, 2010

With Greece burning (literally) and the Euro zone under increasing pressure, volatility is spiking and investors are looking for alternatives to traditional equities.  With every major government debasing their currency, it’s tough to find a particularly attractive currency at all (some cite Canada and Australia as being a bit more responsible, but no guarantees there).  […]

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3 Protective Trades to Combat Volatility Now

May 4, 2010

With investors spooked by suspicions that the Greece bailout will be inadequate and the Euro zone debt crisis may spiral into Spain, Portugal and perhaps further, indices worldwide tumbled substantially for the first time in months, reminiscent of the 2%+ losses we were seeing daily during the financial meltdown of 2008-2009.  Seeing as how investors […]

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