ETF Strategy

The Case for Small and Mid Cap Stocks in 2013

November 11, 2012

As the dust settles from the presidential election, investors are regrouping to find how to invest for the next four years. A number of trends look good for the small and midcap corners of the investment universe. Here’s what should drive small and midcap stocks in 2013 and beyond: Record bond issuance – As we’ve […]

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Timing the Market with the Put-Call Ratio

November 4, 2012

The put-call ratio is one of my favorite sentiment indicators. As investors know, it often pays to be a contrarian. The most famed contrarian investor, Warren Buffett, says it best – investors should be greedy when others are fearful, and fearful when others are greedy. The put-call ratio gives investors the ability to see into […]

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5 Lowest Cost ETFs on Earth

March 11, 2012

Exchange-traded funds have commoditized broad allocation strategies. As exchange-traded funds require only a modest amount of overhead and competition intensifies, fund fees plunge with each passing day. The Lowest Cost ETFs Below are the five least expensive exchange-traded funds: Focus Morningstar Large Cap Index ETF (FLG) – This FocusShares fund based on the Morningstar Large […]

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Europe Fears Caused Retail Investors To Miss An Epic Market Rally. Lessons Learned

February 9, 2012

If the past few months have not been a lesson in strategy over tactics, I don’t know what is. While the mainstream media has pounded viewers with negative news, US equities have been on a complete tear, putting the NASDAQ at highs not seen for the past decade. Just year-to-date, the NASDAQ (QQQ) is up […]

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The 7 Deadly Sins of ETF Investing – Are You Guilty?

September 12, 2010

ETF Investing holds many obvious benefits over individual stock-picking and several factors make ETFs Better Than Mutual Funds.  However, this often lulls retail investors (and even institutional investors and professional money managers) into a false sense of complacency in that they think they’re entering into a particular type of investment or strategy and the results […]

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