September 2011

5 Reasons to AVOID the Gold ETF GLD

September 26, 2011

The gold bugs have certainly been gloating of late (well, excluding the prior 2 trading sessions) seeing as how bullion prices, miners and precious metals ETFs have been holding up well while most other asset classes spiral downward in a volatility vortex.  In the short term, sure, gold has performed well and may well continue […]

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Chaikin Power Gauge Stock Rating Widget Reviewed

September 15, 2011

As a retail investor with some time for trades now and then, but not at the “professional trader” level or technical analysis junkie, I like to run through a few screens and tools before making a trade.  Sometimes, my trades are purely momentum drive, value driven or arb, but I also like to do some […]

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Shorting Treasuries For the Ultimate Risk-Takers

September 6, 2011

While there are numerous ways to short Treasuries, there are several different approaches investors choose to take, each suited to a particular strategy and risk tolerance.  What I’m outlining today is both high-risk and highly likely to succeed – IF I can outlast the Fed.  See, I entered into the ultimate risk short today that […]

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