Financial ETFs

Macro View: Taper is On, Get Positioned

August 11, 2013

The Fed’s bond buying spree is the largest central bank action ever. Its reversal, and eventual exit, will be even bigger. Recent data point to the fact that the Fed can and should slow or cease its purchases of Treasury and mortgage-backed securities. America’s shrinking deficit Believe it or not, the monstrous American deficit of […]

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Bank ETFs Rocket in 2012 but The Rally Isn’t Over

November 18, 2012

Investors in banking stocks made out like bandits in 2012 despite worries of a European meltdown, slowly-improving housing market, new regulations, and falling net interest margin. For all the worries about the financial system, banking profits seem as though they are in a consistent recovery. Why Bank ETFs Make Sense The banking system generates revenue […]

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Significant Factors Impacting Financials – ETF Plays to Consider

June 30, 2010

Financial ETFs have been among the most volatile sectors over the past few years, with the sector swinging from near complete collapse to euphoria over year over year comps for earnings (any positive earnings announcement compared to a year ago multi-billion dollar loss looks great).  With the the investment banks especially, able to borrow from […]

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