January 2013

Litigation Funding: Just how is the UK Marketplace Performing?

January 30, 2013

Over the last 12 months, litigation funding has seen rapid growth; especially in the UK. It has now become a major topic of interest to litigators and clients in the business world, as a viable means to going to court. Originating Down Under in Australia, the concept has travelled across borders and continents to attract […]

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Bank on the American Consumer with Retail ETFs

January 27, 2013

The economy seems to be in recovery. Housing starts are at a five-year high, employment numbers are coming in positive, and Americans have deleveraged significantly from the credit bubble of the 2000s and generational low mortgage rates have certainly helped improve US consumer balance sheets. Moving your portfolio to position for a change in consumer […]

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ETF News and Links – January 2013

January 22, 2013

Here’s the last roundup of interesting news and links related to ETFs and Investing from around the web: New ETF Launch: Risk/Momentum ETFs (Yahoo!Finance) China ETFs – a Closer Look (China’s up big this year so far!) ETF Database New Junior MLP ETF Launching (just watch the daily offset error!) Index Universe Watch That Premium! […]

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10 Freelancer Tips For A Knock-out CV

January 22, 2013

Creating a CV that stands out and immediately catches the reader’s attention is a difficult task. It is the first thing employers look at when you apply for a job in accounting and if it isn’t any good, it will also be the last. So you need to take into consideration these tips to make […]

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The 8 Largest ETFs on Earth

January 20, 2013

We’re currently watching the “great rotation” from stocks to bonds as investors move funds from one asset class to another. Meanwhile, ETF leader Blackstone says it sees a secular shift to exchange-traded funds and top asset managers are engaged in a fee war in a race to the bottom on low ETF fees. So what’s […]

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Searching for the Best MLP ETF

January 13, 2013

Master limited partnerships are one of the fastest growing investments on Wall Street. Oil and gas companies divest high cost assets with MLP issues while investors find MLPs attractive for their high yields and tax benefits. Investors who favor sector ETFs as a way to get broad exposure have plenty of choice in master limited […]

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5 Hottest ETFs of 2013 YTD

January 10, 2013

With the New Year upon us and the Fiscal Cliff deadline resolved (albeit temporarily), it’s worth taking stock of what the hottest sectors and ETF themes are thus far in 2013 to give a sense for where the market is hot and where you may want to focus efforts on for the remainder of the […]

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When and how you should begin saving for care

January 8, 2013

In the UK it’s estimated that over 170,000 people fund their own care, whether they live in care homes or receive assistance in their own homes. However, due to the recession more and more people are struggling to keep up with the costs associated with this, meaning they now have to sacrifice their homes or […]

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Microcap ETFs: Indexing Leads Investors to Low Returns

January 6, 2013

The idea of indexing is to produce returns that are good enough; returns equal to a benchmark that fits an investor’s risk tolerance. In most of the investable markets, indexing works perfectly. Previously, we’ve talked about how indexing does not work so well in less liquid bond markets, with active management producing alpha by avoiding […]

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