November 2012

Jeep Heroes Program – And Veterans Special Offer [Sponsored Video]

November 27, 2012

Whenever I see a Jeep on the road, I hearken back to some of my old favorite war movies.  As the video below outlines, Jeep vehicles were leading our troops into battle all the way back to World War 2 and has been a mainstay of military equipment ever since. Here’s an interesting factoid for […]

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Utility ETFs Offer Intriguing Opportunity

November 25, 2012

Utility companies are back in the headlines as investors reconsider their preference for dividend-paying equities with uncertain tax policy coming in 2012. Key utility sector indexes are off more than 6% in the last month while forward yields look compelling for conservative investors. Tax Concerns are Overblown Investors traditionally value utilities on a dividend discount […]

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Bank ETFs Rocket in 2012 but The Rally Isn’t Over

November 18, 2012

Investors in banking stocks made out like bandits in 2012 despite worries of a European meltdown, slowly-improving housing market, new regulations, and falling net interest margin. For all the worries about the financial system, banking profits seem as though they are in a consistent recovery. Why Bank ETFs Make Sense The banking system generates revenue […]

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With Hurricane Sandy as Context, Is Your Company Protected?

November 16, 2012

It often takes a crisis to spur action for a business or personal preventative expenditure, but then shortly after the crisis has passed, it’s immediately back to the status quo.  Think about how many people on the East Coast lost power for days on end just over the past couple years with the various major […]

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The Case for Small and Mid Cap Stocks in 2013

November 11, 2012

As the dust settles from the presidential election, investors are regrouping to find how to invest for the next four years. A number of trends look good for the small and midcap corners of the investment universe. Here’s what should drive small and midcap stocks in 2013 and beyond: Record bond issuance – As we’ve […]

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Timing the Market with the Put-Call Ratio

November 4, 2012

The put-call ratio is one of my favorite sentiment indicators. As investors know, it often pays to be a contrarian. The most famed contrarian investor, Warren Buffett, says it best – investors should be greedy when others are fearful, and fearful when others are greedy. The put-call ratio gives investors the ability to see into […]

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