April 2010

EURO Hits 1 Year Low vs. US Dollar – How to Play continued Greek Contagion

April 27, 2010

With today’s downgrade of Greece’s credit rating into junk territory by Standard & Poor’s, ripples were felt globally, as equity indices tumbled from the latest multi-day rally.  This weakening Euro trend has continued for some time now, but as a Greek debt resolution loses legitimacy and as shorts pounce, it’s unlikely there will be a […]

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6 Hottest ETFs to Watch This Week

April 25, 2010

Markets continued their advance this week in the face of a potentially damning SEC inquiry into Goldman’s practices.  This news was countered by surprisingly strong housing data which showed the biggest jump in new home sales since 1963.  Elsewhere in China, there is continued sentiment that there may be a housing bubble brewing there which […]

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Profiting from Innovation with the Patent ETF

April 19, 2010

With the seemingly endless imagination of ETF inventors, the aptly focused Patent ETF is certainly interesting and may hold promise as a market-beating ETF moving forward based on both past performance and the reasonable thesis that innovation translates into comparatively stronger financial performance for shareholders.  The CLAYMORE/OCEAN TOMO PATENT ETF (OTP) focuses on companies that […]

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Bond King Gross Declares Real Estate to Beat Stocks and Bonds – How to Play It

April 15, 2010

On CNBC today bond king Bill Gross said that real estate is nearing a bottom and eventually could be a better bet for investors than stocks or bonds.  Given the run we’ve seen in stocks since the March 2009 lows, it’s not a stretch to say that perhaps other asset classes will outperform from here.  […]

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Investors Continue to Pile Into High Yield ETFs – When Does the Music Stop?

April 14, 2010

The risk trade is on. Investors sitting idly by on the sidelines watching everyone else make 70-100% since the March lows are resolved to the fact that risk-free investment returns are going to be negative in terms of even modest inflation for years to come.  As such, investors in the income arena are increasingly shifting […]

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6 Hottest ETFs to Watch This Week

April 11, 2010

Again, markets advanced, taking some of the year’s hottest performing ETFs with them.  We saw the same theme of rebounding real estate and financials while China showed strength and in the non-leveraged segment, commodities rallied even in the face of a mildly stronger dollar index for the week. For the week ended 4/11/2010, here’s a […]

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New Leveraged Biotech ETFs Combine Biologics Revolution with Supercharged Returns

April 8, 2010

ProShares, the originator of dozens of other leveraged long and short ETFs has now launched a Daily 2X Return ETF for both the long and short Nasdaq Biotechnology Index.  I highlighted earlier in the week how there are several non-leveraged Biotech ETFs with varying returns due to their composition, but many of them are breaking […]

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Playing Emerging Markets – Without Stocks

April 7, 2010

CNBC published an article today outlining how investors can take advantage of the rampant growth in emerging markets without investing directly in individual stocks and taking on individual company risk.  However, they left out what the instruments are to do so, so I’ll fill in the blanks: Currencies: As the US and Europe continue to […]

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Biotech ETFs Hitting New Highs – Which Fund is Best?

April 5, 2010

Biotech is back – and Biotech ETFs are breaking records, with one up over 30% YTD.  So are many other sectors like Tech, as well as the return of beaten down financials, insurance and real estate, so perhaps that explains the relative lack of coverage of the Biotech resurgence in comparison to some of these […]

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