Finding the Best Exposure in Homebuilding ETFs

March 18, 2013

Homebuilding ETFs are making it much too easy for new investors to make the biggest mistake of them all: taking an ETF’s name at face value. While there are three ETFs that claim to give investors to homebuilding, the stocks these funds hold and the proportions in which they hold them varies dramatically: SPDR Homebuilders […]

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Can’t Find a Favorite Mortgage REIT? Own the Industry with this ETF

October 7, 2012

A little known REIT ETF has outperformed the market, and provided a whopping 11% yield along the way. iShares’ FTSE NAREIT Mortgage REITs Index (REM) excels in delivering the highest yields with broad exposure to the market for real estate investment trusts. The fund makes for an interesting exchange-traded fund in that it has one […]

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Raise the ROOF with this Outperforming REIT ETF

August 26, 2012

Real estate investment trusts come in all shapes and sizes. Mortgage REITs give investors high-yield exposure. Retail REITs reward investors with exposure to consumption – 70% of the American GDP. And storage REITs give investors exposure to the business of storing all things that Americans buy. So what’s the appropriate balance? Well, it depends on […]

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Student Housing REIT – Perfect Combination of Yield, Stability and Price Gains

September 29, 2010

A buddy of mine has been making a killing in college housing for years.  Unlike what has happened to the residential real estate market, the college housing market has been largely insulated from both the initial bubble and the subsequent crash.  Why?  Well, valuations are based on actual cash-flows (real money) and not speculation, flipping […]

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Can REIT ETFs Conitnue to Dominate?

August 3, 2010

Real estate’s really been an amazing story in 2010.  The sector has been both volatile and profitable in the face of massive legislative overhauls, credit and liquidity crises, stubborn unemployment numbers, record low mortgage rates and a housing glut.  Bond King Bill Gross recently declared that real estate would beat stocks and bonds and Real […]

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Bond King Gross Declares Real Estate to Beat Stocks and Bonds – How to Play It

April 15, 2010

On CNBC today bond king Bill Gross said that real estate is nearing a bottom and eventually could be a better bet for investors than stocks or bonds.  Given the run we’ve seen in stocks since the March 2009 lows, it’s not a stretch to say that perhaps other asset classes will outperform from here.  […]

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